This page features selected examples of figures I have created from open source data as well as for my own published research. Due to confidentiality considerations, figures created for clients' grants and manuscripts are not included here. Please contact me to see examples.
COVID-19 Data
Data from the Alberta Government COVID-19 data portal (downloaded July 22, 2021). Figures created by Sarah Treit.
The chart on the left shows the proportion of unvaccinated, partially vaccinated and fully vaccinated Albertans by age category. Displaying the data this way makes it clear that the proportion of fully vaccinated people increases with age. See my Instagram post about this figure for a discussion of graphing nested versus mutually exclusive categorical variables.
Published manuscripts
The following figures are examples of figures I've created for my own published research.
Treit et al (2021) Human Brain Mapping
The figure on the left compares two measures of brain iron (R2* and QSM) in the caudate nucleus of 498 healthy volunteers across the lifespan. Both cubic fits (A) and moving averages (± 1 SD; B) are shown to demonstrate the ages at which these measures overlap and diverge.
A scatterplot of R2* values in the caudate nucleus of 498 subjects, showing a cubic trajectory of age-related change from 5-90 years of age. Substantial overlap in the raw data between males (blue) and females (red) confirms non-significant sex differences in this measure of brain iron, despite significant differences in volume for this same structure. See paper for complete figures.
Treit et al (2020) Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research
Example images from a group of children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD), showing a range of structural anomalies on MRI (indicated by teal arrows). Despite a range of findings, no clear pattern of abnormalities was found to be characteristic of this group relative to controls. See paper for full caption and details.
Treit et al (2017) NeuroImage: Clinical
Z scores are given for a group of children and adolescents with prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE), calculated relative to controls (mean scores of 0). Negative values indicate greater impairment relative to controls. Splitting by sex (red versus blue bars) we can see that despite equal cognitive impairment, males with PAE have larger reductions in brain volume and cortical thickness than females with PAE.
Brain volume distribution in children and adolescents with prenatal alcohol exposure, which is shown to be left-shifted (median of ~-1) relative to controls (shown in black). Coloured lines denote the volume distribution for each brain lobe in the PAE group, and indicate that magnitude of volume reductions vary regionally across the brain.
Treit et al (2014) Neuroscience
Scatterplots of fractional anisotropy (a measure of white matter 'integrity') versus age in 6 white matter tracts. Colours of R and p-values are matched to their corresponding tract (shown in the upper left hand image). Numbers indicate relationship to cognitive scores shown in subsequent figures.
Treit et al (2019) Epilepsia Open
Mean diffusivity is substantially elevated in the ipsilateral hippocampus of temporal lobe epilepsy patients with unilateral and bilateral hippocampal sclerosis. Colours are used to cross-references individual subjects in subsequent figures (specific colours dictated by journal), symbols indicate patients who subsequently underwent surgery.
Treit et al (2013) Journal of Neuroscience
Children with severe fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) have larger longitudinal decreases in mean diffusivity between MRI scans (~2-4 years apart) relative to children with less severe disorders, or healthy controls. Likewise, a larger proportion of those in the most severe group (left hand bar) undergo a decrease between scans when this continuous variable is converted to a categorical variable.